The Age of Overwhelm: Strategies for the Long Haul
Launch Event

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Connie Burk’s introduction of Laura.


Many thank yous.


Reading – Introduction.


Q&A – saturation, hemorrhaging out, and leaving the dogs out of this.


Q&A – work environments, subsequent fall out, and don’t be a d**k.


Q&A – systematic oppression, internalized oppression, and do no harm.


Reading – when to call it a wrap.


Q&A – personal, professional, and handling our business.


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In The Age of Overwhelm, Laura van Dernoot Lipsky tells the truth about how today’s culture of overdrive, distraction, rapid response, and scarcity affects our lives, connections with one another, and our physical and emotional well-being. Lipsky also provides tools, skills, and ideas to shift our intentions and actions. This book shows us how to not just cope and survive, but how we can thrive by creating the conditions for more contented lives.

— Deepa Iyer, author of We Too Sing America: South Asian, Arab, Muslim and Sikh Immigrants Shape Our Multiracial Future